KIJHUS Volume. 2, Issue 1 (2021)


Muhammad Muhammad Sulaiman, Garba Umar Bebeji, Zahra Kyari Muhammad


Inclusive education ICT SEN Assistive technologies (AT) UNESCO

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The importance of inclusive education in the development of a nation cannot be overstated. Developing countries face several roadblocks as they work to implement Inclusive Education (IE). The effective use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in developing countries will assist governments in achieving equitable education by assisting women, orphans, and children with disabilities in schools. Despite the importance and positive impact of Information Communication Technologies (ICT), previous research on ICT's use in inclusive education, particularly in developing countries, has been severely limited. By alluding to the concept of Universal Access to Education, this text examines the topic of school consideration. It focuses on ICTs' solid ability to keep a strategic distance from any form of separation among understudies. The paper also claims that educators play a critical role in maximizing the opportunities provided by emerging technology to aid the complete integration of all students into traditional educational frameworks. Educators should be aware of the ICT potentials, and they should have the option to secure the necessary information and operational abilities to choose and use these types of assets properly. For the current social orders, ICT and consideration provide a space of exceptional rational enthusiasm. At this time, teachers' attitudes toward ICT play a critical role in the complete adoption of Inclusive Education.